Daily Archives: August 9, 2012

Writing Business AND GenCon Schedule

This morning I sent off my list of possible titles for my next Pathfinder novel to James Sutter at Paizo. I have a favorite from the bunch, but it’s possible that they’ll cook up a better one. It’s James who named Plague of Shadows, a title I not only like, but one that I think sounds like something I would have come up with myself.

The rest of this week I’ll be working on the business end of my writing career. I’ve heard from my editor Pete Wolverton that the bound copies of The Bones of the Old Ones are in, which means it’s time to start work on the marketing campaign. I’m hardly an old hand at this publishing thing yet, but I’m no longer wet behind the ears, and I now have a much better idea about things I can do to help get the word out.

Pete and my agent Bob Mecoy and I have settled on a series title, which means there’s a contest winner, but we’re still playing with the wording of it a bit (whether or not we should slap the word “chronicles” on the end, for instance). And that means that a contest winner HAS been chosen. I’ll be notifying him or her after we experiment just a little bit longer.