Link Day

busy-running-scheduleI remain crazy busy doing writer and house dad things, so I have little that’s especially clever. I’ll still do my best to entertain you today.

First, giant-sized hounds. Beware!

Second, I want to take a train across the U.S. like this. Except I’d probably start from Chicago and go west. But you get the idea.

50 fathomsThird, I rewarded myself with downtime Friday night and Saturday evening and re-read the Savage Worlds campaign 50 Fathoms. Man, is that stuffed with great pirate adventures. I really, really have to find a way to run that. A problem, since I haven’t had a working group in a while. Don’t take my abbreviated word for it — check out the reviews at the link. I liked it so well on PDF that I bought a physical copy. But then, I hate reading PDFs. I think 50 Fathoms is fun to read even if you’re not a gamer. Well, at least if you’re a writer or dig pirates.

Fourth, there’s a great sale going on at my favorite clothes store, SCOTTeVest. I keep meaning to blog about how much I love their shirts and khakis, but this has never been a clothing blog. Anyway, some great stuff is 40% off. I’m definitely going to pick up another one of their pocket-laden safari type shirts. I love not having to shove my notebook into my jeans pocket.