Daily Archives: August 5, 2021


July 30th we had to bury an old family friend. Sometimes you have a pet, and sometimes you have a friend who happens to be a dog, and that’s how it grew to be with Keena.

The shelter found her on the streets alone at around two months, and we adopted her and brought her into the family. She remained just a little nervous for years and years, but eventually grew to be confident and, later in life, even assertive.

Most dogs are alike on many basic levels, so it always surprises me how very different they can be on that template. I mean, most love their walks and are happy to see you when you’ve been gone, and they live to go out and smell things. But they still have individual personalities and develop their own habits and some are simply just more fun to be around, like Keena, who so easily brought us smiles. When Keena was really happy she’d go and grab her red rubber bone and frolic around with it. Later in life she’d get your attention and lead you to the red carpet in the kitchen, where we finally figured out that she wanted to wrestle. Only on that rug, though. Nowhere else in the house would do.