Daily Archives: July 30, 2022

GenCon Schedule

I’ll be attending the GenCon Writer’s Symposium this year in Indianapolis. I hope to see some of you there.

I’m scheduled to the max most days, but can be found on the following panels in the following places on the following days. With the following people!

Thursday, August 4

10:00 Ballroom 1 Plot it Out

How do you plot out your novel, anyway? Howard Andrew Jones, Jerry Gordon, Bryan Young, David Mack, Steve Diamond

1:00 Austin/Boston Writing Tools

Tools to help organize your writing Katherine Monasterio, Marie Bilodeau, Jason Sanford, Howard Andrew Jones, LaShawn Wanak

2:00 Ballroom 1 So You Want to Write

Find out how our authors each got started, and what they recommend to new writers: Toiya Kristen Finley, Gregory A. Wilson, Jerry Gordon, Howard Andrew Jones, Steve Diamond, R.A. Salvatore

Friday August 5th

10:00 Austin/Boston Back to Pulp

Jaym Gates, Richard Byers: Howard Andrew Jones; Jason Ray Carney, S.E. Lindberg

11:00 Ballroom 1 Spit and Polish

Once you finish your manuscript, what’s next? Jennifer Brozek, LaShawn Wanak, Katherine Monasterio, Patrick S Tomlinson, Howard Andrew Jones

1:00 Austin/Boston Action

Writing action scenes, and how that doesn’t have to mean combat. Mary Fan, Jerry Gordon, Howard Andrew Jones

4:00 Ballroom 1 Sword-and-Sorcery Renaissance

Jaym Gates, Howard Andrew Jones, Matt John, Jason Ray Carney, Paul Weimer, S.E. Lindberg

6:00 Hyatt Studio 1 Appendix Next Seminar

Michael Curtis, Joseph Goodman, Howard Andrew Jones, Bob Brinkman


1:00 Austin/Boston Submitting Your Work

Bye-bye, SASE! Modern methods of submitting work, the good and the bad. Howard Andrew Jones, Jason Sanford, Carlos Hernandez, Steve Diamond

5:00 Ballroom 4 Sword-and-Sorcery Pastiche

Howard Andrew Jones; Matt John, S.E. Lindberg