Monthly Archives: June 2020

When the Goddess Wakes Cover Reveal

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes here. The third book of the trilogy is fully drafted and the first act of it (of three total) is just about polished.

And then there’s the cover, another beauty by Lauren Saint-Onge. I’m delighted with it, for obvious reasons.

Any readers of the first two books want to speculate who the three humanoids are? I think one’s pretty obvious, and probably two, but the other… not so much.

I’ve got a new story in an anthology coming out next week, and it’s available for pre-order right now. It stars probably my favorite of all my characters, Hanuvar Cabera, but the anthology is full of other great fiction as well. It’s titled Galactic Stew, and is edited by none other than Joshua Palmetier and David B. Coe. You can find it right here.

Speaking of Hanuvar, I’ve been re-organizing my web site a little and created a dedicated page both for him and for Dabir and Asim. You can check out Hanuvar here, and Dabir and Asim here. My son drew the Hanuvar picture and will soon be finishing one for the Dabir and Asim page.

…and speaking of Dabir and Asim, two new stories featuring them will soon be in print. One’s coming out in Heroic Fiction Quarterly very soon. I’ll post something about it here when it happens.