Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction Chat

My friend and fellow Pathfinder author, the talented Dave Gross, had been assembling a series of Pathfinder fiction chats over the last few months, and there are two more coming up very, very soon. This month, to accommodate people in more time zones, there are  two Pathfinder Tales chats, each featuring about ten authors of Pathfinder Tales short fiction.

Authors expected to attend include Richard Lee Byers, Elaine Cunningham, J.C. Hay, Dave Gross, Liane Merciel, Erik Mona, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Steven Savile, Amber E. Scott, James Sutter, Bill Ward, and me — at least for the second session.

To prepare for the event, check out the glorious and free web fiction.

The events officially last one hour, but some folks hang out much later, so come on by even if you must be late. To join the event, point your browser to, choose a screen name, and type “/join PFTales.”

Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction Chat I
Saturday, November 19
12:00 PT

Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction Chat II
Monday, November 21
18:00 PT