Link Man Returns

Copyright Darian Jones

I’ve got a lot of good news that I can’t quite share yet, and with a deadline looming I should probably keep things short this morning.

First, the illustrious Dave Gross invited me over to chat about writing and our mutual love of the works of the late, great Roger Zelazny. Drop by and see what we had to say, and then I hope you’ll poke around a little and see what some talented writers have said elsewhere on his site.

Second, a nice review of Stalking the Beast popped up on my radar the other day. Always nice to see. The tie-in work doesn’t get reviewed nearly as often.

Third, a lovely review of The Desert of Souls appeared after its UK release.

Fourth and final, I’ve updated my 2014 Appearances page. It’s about time, as I’m flying to Detroit for ConFusion this Friday! I hope I’ll see a few of you there.