Link Man Returns

Copyright Darian Jones

Copyright Darian Jones

I’m still working madly behind the scenes here, so I’ll keep things simple today. Link Man returns with some creepy suggestions today.

First, 10 Famous “Unsolved Mysteries” that are completely explainable. The one about ghosts and the area of the brain was completely new to me — check it out.

Second, and NOT for the faint of heart because this is pretty grisly, 6 Creepy Places.

And this led me to an even creepier rabbit hole.

I try not to fall down rabbit holes on the internet but having read something about the dead zone and Mount Everest in the past and seeing the mention of it in the above link, I ended up spending more time than I should have Wednesday night reading all about it: People who died on Everest. People who might have been saved but weren’t (it’s really difficult to say, because moving around up there is a tremendous challenge). People whose bodies are so high up and impossible to move that they’re landmarks. For instance, the poor fellow who’s frozen to a cave now known by the boots he wears. Or the mummified woman whose body sat for years along the trail, her long blonde hair continually blowing in the never-ending wind. Two men perished trying to recover her body. Anyway, if you want more details, and you may not, click here.