Daily Archives: March 11, 2014

Catching Up

howard and saladin

Howard and Saladin put their heads together.

I am crazy busy with book deadlines right now, so there’s apt to be some radio silence.

I did want to remind everyone about the Crossing the Streams contest, which is still under way. Bop over there now for a chance to win a free copy of not only a book from me, but scads more authors besides.

My Dabir and Asim stories, as well as the  historical fiction of Harold Lamb and the fantasy work of Saladin Ahmed, got a call-out along with some fine fiction in a wonderful article on Silk Road Fantasy by Paul Weimer over at SF Signal yesterday.

Lastly, I sort of have a new Welcome page that newcomers might have missed. Being so busy with, you know, writing, I haven’t had time to reorganize the site so it’s easier to find. Perhaps I’ll pin it up top eventually. Anyway, it has links to many of my favorite posts, and you can find it here.