Daily Archives: May 9, 2012

The Exciting Adventure of My Knee in the Barn

I’m now five weeks out from my knee surgery, and with my strength and dexterity building decided it was high time I fixed up a few things in the barn. That sounds like the lead-in for a story of disaster, but actually things went very well. It was when I reported in for my weekly knee therapy that I realized maybe working in the barn wasn’t the smartest idea. I was given a battery of exercises to demonstrate just how bad my balance remained. And I didn’t do very well. If I’d slipped, or pushed myself just a little harder, I might have really made things difficult for myself. So… even though I’m apparently ahead of many people five weeks out from this surgery, I’ve been warned to take things a little easier.

Now that I’m completely off the pain meds, writing is back on schedule, and I feel like I’ve leveled up as a writer, at least in the amount of good work I’m getting done each day. Perhaps its because of my new anal retentive outlining habits. In the last week I’ve just about finished two short stories to be incorporated into the narrative of the third Dabir and Asim novel, and over the next two days I’ll be drafting a Dabir and Asim short story for an exciting new anthology I was invited to submit for, but can’t discuss. Shh!

In other news, yesterday The Desert of Souls received a glowing review from Justin at Staffer’s Book Review. I like glowing book reviews, especially when they’re about Dabir and Asim, but this one was especially nice. Perhaps because of his familiarity with the Arabian Nights, Justin commented on a few things that no one else had quite mentioned. It’s always a pleasure when someone notices some of the behind-the-scenes work.

And I have a couple of great looking gaming books in to review for Black Gate. Details about those to follow.