Monthly Archives: April 2012

Long Silences

I didn’t mean to drop out of sight for so long, but then I didn’t mean to injure my knee so badly that I required therapy exercises to get the knee in good enough shape FOR the actual surgery… that then required a whole lot of physical therapy. That delayed a few final changes on The Bones of the Old Ones, but the book is finally with the copy editor, and I’m hard at work on outlines of two other books, one the next scheduled Dabir and Asim novel, The Maiden’s Eye, the other the next scheduled (and so far untitled) book for Paizo, featuring Elyana and Drelm from Plague of Shadows. I have short stories about both sets of characters I’d like to get down, as well… although right now an awful lot of time each day is still spent in therapy exercises.

Given that I’m not likely to be walking very well for a bit, I’ve only scheduled two conventions this year, GenCon, briefly (I’m just there for Saturday) and Worldcon, in Chicago, late in the year.

Anyone interested in knowing just a little more about Dabir and Asim might be interested in checking out my interview with Emily Mah Tippets, the first of a series she’s putting together on writers of Arabian fantasy. (Or you might just want to look at another pic of my groovy paisley shirt.) And any of you, like me, who are game fans, ought to drop by Black Gate and check out the re-design of the great old solitaire adventure game Barbarian Prince.

I could say more, and probably should, but I have books to write. I’ll try to be back sooner.